Forklift-alligaj paperaj rulaj krampaj fabrikantoj
Karakterizaĵoj 1.Provita daŭra f-traba brako aluminio framkonstruo. 2.Regenera hidraŭlika valvo por optimuma brako-rapideco. 3.Superior brako-glita lagro por plilongigita servodaŭro. 4.Vulcanized kaŭĉuko kusenetoj dezajno, ekonomie. 5.Bonega ŝoforo videbleco. Specifo Kapacito @ Ŝarĝo Centro (kg@mm) Katalogo Ordo No. Malferma Intervalo (mm) Munta Klaso Brako Alteco A (mm) Brako Longo B (mm) Kadro Larĝo D (mm) Vertikala Pezocentro VCG (mm) Pezo (kg) ) Efika Dikeco ET (mm) Horizontala Pezocentro HCG (mm) 1150@600 CCS15D-001A 380-1530 II 1220 1220 940 320 650 127 439 ...

Varma vendo nova fabriko prezo forklift sapre partoj clamp forklift paper roll list
Factory overview The company`s current plant covers an area of 200000 square meters, which mainly built with spare parts production shop, painting lines shop, assembly lines shop, property management etc, in total 80000 square meters, as well as modern office building and convenient living areas around 40000square meters. Structure workshop Precious cutting of various thickness of steels are ensured by applying one set of cutting machine, two sets of high-tech CNC plasma cutting machines and one set on NC flame ...

Folklift-alligiteco 45f papera rulpremilo por presado de papero
Features 1. Hydraulic systems: the main control valve in the load to maintain valve adopts imported products; seals are imported products; high-pressure hose with cone seal, high-performance hose. 2. Structural parts: the left and right plates with Q460 high-performance steel plates, and pressure by the overall shape and the correction is made; channel while using the imported product. 3. Mechanical performance: Built-in lateral feature, you can also achieve clamping / opening and lateral function and good vision; additional oil line ...

Materialo Pritraktanta #Ekipa? O 2ton TB serio ruleto pallet manlibro pallet stacker Paper paper clamp dosierujo
Product Details 1-2ton electric pallet stacker ELECTRIC PALLET STACKER FEATURE TB series steering wheel pallet stacker, rated load capacity:1000-2500kg, Max. lift height: 4500mm, used for single face pallet; 1. With EPS steering system, easier to operation; 2. Electronic type braking; 3. To use intelligent charger,auto analysis the residual energy and optimizing the charging process, without manual operation and extend the battery working life effectively; 4. Speed limited for high position, to aviod the possibility of products' overturning when high speed ...

Forklift-Partoj Forklift-Aldonaĵoj Ŝtala Rotator-Papera Ruliĝa Krampo
Produkta Priskribo Niuil 3 tunoj Dizela Forklift Truck Informoj 1. Motoro: 3 tunoj dizeleleva prezo kun japana ISUZU kaj YANMAR-motoro 2. Levo alteco: 3.0m, 3.5m, 4m, 4.5m, 5m kaj 6m 3. Uzante TCM-teknologion, Diesel /Gazolina/LPG-motoro estas nedeviga 4. Masto: 2-etapa larĝvida masto, 2-etapa senpaga lifta masto kaj 3-etapa senpaga lifta masto 5. Flanka movo: Ĉina marko 6. Pneŭo: Solida pneŭo, Blanka senmarka pneŭo, Duobla antaŭa pneŭo 7. Laŭvola dezajno de fermita kupeo por specialaj bezonoj de klientoj 8. Laŭvola ...

Ĉinaj Hidraŭlikaj Efikaj Forklifaj Kamionetoj Multekostaj Krampoj
Specifoj Hidraŭlika efika ŝarĝaŭto-aldonaĵoj multcela krampo MOQ: 1 unuo Materialo: ŝtalo fabrikisto Hidraŭlika efika ŝarĝaŭto-aldonaĵoj plurcela krampo FUNKCIOJ & APLIKO Multcela krampo povas efike kaj ekonomie pritrakti preskaŭ ajnan paperan karton, lignan karton, metalan karton kaj pakbildon. produktoj sen laborplatformo inkluzive de tabako, gazetpapero, kemia fibro, laborejo kaj haveno, ktp. Karakterizaĵoj: Provita fortika T-traba brako kaj aluminia aloja kadro-konstruo Regenera hidraŭlika valvo por optimuma brakrapideco Supera brako-glita lagro por plilongigita servodaŭro Vulkanizitaj kaŭĉukaj kusenetoj ...

2.5. Ton Bale Clamp kun Flanka Ŝovado
Product Description 2.5. Ton Bale Clamp with Side Shifting (G04S25) Specifications Forklift attachements--Paper Roll Clamps is of High-strength all-steel structure design, 360two-way rotation and nice outlook Bale Clamps Applications: Used in palletless handling of pulp bates, cotton, wool, waste paper and other elastic & deformed operations. Features: Rugged all-steel construction, meet the requirements for continuous operation with high efficiency. E-style-Slot frame provides excellent stability and longer operating life. Reasonable design with dependable world top quality hydraulic components. Product series: Non-sideshifting ...

2.2ton Bale Clamp por La 3ton Forklift
Product Description 2.2Ton Bale Clamp for the 3Ton Forklift (G04R22) Specifications Forklift attachements--Paper Roll Clamps is of High-strength all-steel structure design, 360two-way rotation and nice outlook Bale Clamps Applications: Used in palletless handling of pulp bates, cotton, wool, waste paper and other elastic & deformed operations. Features: Rugged all-steel construction, meet the requirements for continuous operation with high efficiency. E-style-Slot frame provides excellent stability and longer operating life. Reasonable design with dependable world top quality hydraulic components. Product series: Non-sideshifting ...

Forklift Foam Clamp
Aplikoj Forklift Clamp-aldonaĵo ebligas ŝarĝaŭton iĝi pli multflanka kaj efika materiala manipulado-ilo Tipoj 1. Bale Krampoj estas fabrikitaj por efike pritrakti kotonon, lanon, sintezajn teksaĵojn, rubŝtalon kaj preskaŭ ajnan alian pakigitan produkton sen la bezono de paledoj (ekz: kotono). , lano, rubpapero, ŝtofo). 2. Forklift-ŝaŭmaj krampoj povas manipuli kaj staki ajnan tipon de kotonaj produktoj inkluzive de kaŭĉuko, kemia industrio kaj kemia fibro, ktp. 3. Multcelaj Krampoj povas manipuli preskaŭ ajnajn specojn de paperkarto, ligna ...

Klaso 2 Forklift-Aldonaĵo Rotacanta Paper-Rampilon
Paperrulo krampo kapabla je efika, sekura, neniu rompo de uzado kaj stakado de la papero rulo, kaj krampo rulo kontinua 360-grada rotacio, vaste uzata en papero, kartono, pakado, presado, havenoj kaj aliaj industrioj. Specifoj Kapacito (kg) Katalogo Muntado Klaso Rulo Intervalo (mm) Longa Brako Longo (mm) Mallonga Brako Longo (mm) Brako-Dikeco (mm) Vertikala Pezocentro (mm) Horizontala Pezocentro (mm) Efektiva Diko (mm) Pezo (kg) 1300 SLZ-A001 2 330-1150 685 515 45 330 216 138 345 1200 ...

Hidraŭlika Forklift 25f Paper Roll Clamp Parts Uzita En Cigana Tavolo Alfrontanta
Features 1.Hydraulic systems: the main control valve in the load to maintain valve adopts imported products; seals are imported products; high-pressure hose with cone seal, high-performance hose. 2.Structural parts: the left and right plates with Q460 high-performance steel plates, and pressure by the overall shape and the correction is made; channel while using the imported product. 3.Mechanical performance: Built-in lateral feature, you can also achieve clamping / opening and lateral function and good vision; additional oil line can meet the ...

Fabrikantoj de Varma Vendado de Pezaj Paper-Rampaj Krampoj
Features 1. Hydraulic systems: the main control valve in the load to maintain valve adopts imported products; seals are imported products; high-pressure hose with cone seal, high-performance hose. 2. Structural parts: the left and right plates with Q460 high-performance steel plates, and pressure by the overall shape and the correction is made; channel while using the imported product. 3. Mechanical performance: Built-in lateral feature, you can also achieve clamping / opening and lateral function and good vision; additional oil line ...

Forklift Swing Frame Paper Roll Clamp
Papera rulo krampo povas alta efikeco, sekureco kaj neniu damaĝo tenilo kaj stako de la rulo, kaj krampo rulo por rotacii 360 gradon senĉese, estas vaste uzata en papero, kartono, pakado, presado, havenoj kaj aliaj industrioj de diversaj specoj de papera rulo uzado sen paleto. Kapacito (kg) Katalogo-Montado Klaso Rulo Intervalo (mm) Longa Brako Longo (mm) Mallonga Brako Longo (mm) Brako-Dikeco (mm) Vertikala Pezocentro (mm) Horizontala Pezocentro (mm) Efika Diko (mm) Pezo ( kg) 1300 SLZ-A001 ...

20h Paper Roll Clamp, 25f Paper Roll Clamp, 30h Paper Roll Clamp, 60g Paper Roll Clamp
Features 1.Hydraulic systems: the main control valve in the load to maintain valve adopts imported products; seals are imported products; high-pressure hose with cone seal, high-performance hose. 2.Structural parts: the left and right plates with Q460 high-performance steel plates, and pressure by the overall shape and the correction is made; channel while using the imported product. 3.Mechanical performance: Built-in lateral feature, you can also achieve clamping / opening and lateral function and good vision; additional oil line can meet the ...

Faris En Ĉinio Forklift Paper Roll Clamp por Vendo
Product Specifications Electric Battery Forklift Truck with Paper Roll Clamp Forklift Paper Roll Clamp for Sale Economically and efficiently clamp and overturn any type of paper roll, roll film, wood, and the round bar, cables, cable rope, non-woven fabrics, yarn, cloth roll, coating cloth and other circular objects. Paper roll clamp forklift is designed with optimized clamp arm and thinner pad to avoid damage while knifing in between rolls in containers, trailers and rail cars. Excellent visibility through the arms ...

Forklift Fixes 360 Rotation Single Brako Paper Roll Clamps
Product Description forklift attachments 360 Rotation Single Arm Paper Roll Clamps Function 360 degree paper roll clamps are applied to transporting and stacking all kinds of paper roll effectively and safelyin paper making, printing, packing industry, etc. Features: v Rational designed, compact structure, excellent driver visibility, easy operating, improve work efficiency. v Thin arm profile and smooth arm contour eases roll break out and permits close stacking. v Contact pads with integral casting structure, abrasion resistance, and long service life ...

Peza Devo Hidraŭlikaj Balaj Krampoj Por Vendo
Specifications Forklift attachements--Paper Roll Clamps is of High-strength all-steel structure design, 360two-way rotation and nice outlook Heavy Duty Hydraulic Bale Clamps For Sale Applications Used in palletless handling of pulp bates, cotton, wool, waste paper and other elastic & deformed operations. Features Rugged all-steel construction, meet the requirements for continuous operation with high efficiency. E-style-Slot frame provides excellent stability and longer operating life. Reasonable design with dependable world top quality hydraulic components. Product series Non-sideshifting Sideshifting Rotating Note Two additional ...